Showing posts with label code splitting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label code splitting. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wrapping code is slow on Firefox

UPDATE: Filed as bug 576630 with Mozilla. It would be great if this slowdown can be removed, because wrapping chunks of code in a function wrapper is a widely useful tool to have available.

I just learned, to my dismay, that adding a single layer of wrapping around a body of JavaScript code can cause Firefox to really slow down. That is, there are cases where the following code takes a second to load:


Yet, the following equivalent code takes 30+ seconds to load:

(function() {

This is disappointing, because wrapping code inside a function is a straightforward way to control name visibility. If this code defines a bunch of new functions and vars, you might not want them all to be globally visible throughout a browser window. Yet, because of this parsing problem on Firefox, simply adding a wrapper function might not be a good idea.

After some investigation, the problem only arises when there are a lot of functions defined directly inside a single other function. Adding another layer of wrapping gets rid of the parse time problem. That is, the following parses very quickly:

(function() {
(function() {
(function() {

Of course, to use this approach, you have to make sure that the cross-references between the statements still work. In general this requires modifying the statements to install and read properties on some object that is shared among all the chunks.

Example Code and Timings

I wrote a Scala script named genslow.scala that generates two files: test.html and module.html. Load the first page in firefox, and it will cause a load of the second file into an iframe. An alert will pop up once all the code is loaded saying how long the load took.

There are three variables the top of the script that can be used to modify module.html. On my machine, I get the following timings:

default: 1,015 ms
jslink: 1,135 ms
wrapper: 34,288 ms
wrapper+jslink: 52,078 ms
wrapper+jslink+chunk: 1,188 ms

The timings were on Firefox 3.6.3 on Linux. I only report the first trial in the above table, but the pattern is robust across hitting reload.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Evidence from successful usage

One way to test an engineering technique is to see how projects that tried it have gone. If the project fails, you suspect the technique is bad. If the project succeeds, you suspect the technique is good. It's harder than it sounds to make use of such information, though. There are too few projects, and each one has many different peculiarities. It's unclear which peculiarities led to the success or the failure. In a word, these are experiments are natural rather than controlled.

One kind of information does shine through from such experiments, however. While they are poor at comparing or quantifying the value of different techniques, they at least let us see which techniques are viable. A successful project requires that all of the techniques used are at least tolerable, because otherwise the project would have fallen apart. Therefore, whenever a project succeeds, all the techniques it used must at least be viable. Those techniques might not be good, but they must at least not be fatally bad.

This kind of claim is weak, but the evidence for it is very strong. Thus I'm surprised how often I run into knowledgeable people saying that this or that technique is so bad that it would ruin any project it was used on. The most common example is that people love to say dynamically typed languages are useless. In my mind, there are too many successful sites written in PHP or Ruby to believe such a claim.

Even one successful project tells us a technique is viable. What if there are none? This question doesn't come up very often. If a few people try a technique and it's a complete stinker, they tend to stop trying, and they tend to stop pushing it. Once in a while, though....

Once in a while there's something like synchronous RPC in a web browser. The technique certainly gets talked about. However, I've been asking around for a year or two now, and I have not yet found even one good web site that uses it. Unless and until that changes, I have to believe that synchronous RPC in the browser isn't even viable. It's beyond awkward. If you try it, you won't end up with a site you feel is launchable.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Exclusively live code

Dead-for-now code splitting has the compiler divide up the program into smaller fragments of code that can be downloaded individually. How should the compiler take advantage of this ability? How should it define the chunks of code it divides up?

Mainly what GWT does is carve out code that is exclusively live once a particular split point in the program has been activated. Imagine a program with three split points A, B, and C. Some of the code in the program is needed initially, some is needed when only A has been activated, some is needed when only B has been activated, and some is needed once both are activated, etc. Formally, these are written as L({}), L({A}), L({B}), and L({A,B}). The "L" stands for "live", the opposite of "dead". The entire program is equivalent to L({A,B,C}), because GWT strips out any code that is not live under any assumptions.

The code exclusively live to A would be L({A,B,C})-L({B,C}). This is the code that is only needed once A has been activated. Such code is not live is B has been activated. It's not live when C has been activated. It's not live when both B and C together are activated. Because such code is not needed until A is activated, it's perfectly safe to delay loading this code until A is reached. That's just how the GWT code splitter works: it finds code exclusive to each split point and only loads that code once that split point is activated.

That's not the full story, though. Some code isn't exclusive to any fragment. Such code is all put into a leftovers fragment that must be loaded before any of the exclusive fragments. Dealing with the leftovers fragment is a significant issue for achieving good performance with a code-split program.

That's the gist of the approach: exclusively live fragments as the core approach plus a leftover fragment to hold odds and ends. It's natural to ask why, and indeed I'm far from positive it's ideal. It would be more intuitive, at least to me, to focus on positively live code such as L({A}) and L({B,C}). The challenges so far are to come up with such a scheme that generalizes to lots of split points. It's easy to dream up strategies that cause horrible compile time or bad web-browser caching behavior or both, problems that the current scheme doesn't have. The splitting strategy in GWT is viable, but there might well be better ones.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dead-for-Now (DFN) Code Splitting

Demand-loading of program code is an old idea that is very important for web applications. Ajax applications typically have 2-4 megabytes of JavaScript code, and it takes enough time to download and parse that code that there are large user-visible pauses. Web sites need to go lightning fast whenever possible, and one tool in the toolbox is to load only part of the code to begin with and load the rest later.

This idea isn't new, of course. Unix loads programs on demand, one page at a time. When you start an application on Unix, the OS loads only its first page. Whenever execution goes off of that page onto a new page, it traps into the OS to load a new page. On machines too memory-constrained for that to work, a manual-control variation called memory overlays are often used. Also, on the web, Java applets attempted to solve this problem by loading one class at a time. Unlike the prior two approaches, the class-by-class demand loading of Java applets failed to ever become practical, and it was abandoned in favor of loading at the jar granularity.

For about a year now, I've been maintaining GWT's implementation of demand loading, which was designed by Bruce Johnson. One of Bruce's key ideas was to break with the page-by-page loading done for applications loading from disks. Java applets initially stuck to that model, but there are severe problems with it, essentially equivalent to the problems of synchronous XHR that I previously posted about. Bruce is in the "yes, it's evil" camp, and I agree. The problems are just too hard to overcome. Therefore, a key part of GWT's demand loading system is that whenever you request code that might not be available yet, you supply a callback that is invoked asynchronously.

Another key part is that deployed GWT apps always go through a whole-program compile. As a result, GWT's code splitter can use static analysis as part of the system. A common static analysis is the identification of dead code, code that is part of a program but will never run. We like to say that GWT identifies code that is "dead for now."